Dayna and Matt's love story begins on June 12th, 2021, but first, let's rewind to a few weeks earlier. Dayna was visiting Joe and Jenna Baz, and Joe asked her (not so subtly) if she was “still dating that guy”. To which she replied, “no”, prompting him to instantly look at Jenna and just say, “Matt". A couple of nights later, Joe asked Matt about his stance on dating, and he replied that he was single and ready to mingle.
Behind the scenes, a plan ensues, and both Dayna and Matt are invited to a small get-together at the Baz's home. Matt knew Dayna would be there and couldn't wait to meet this mystery girl Joe had mentioned in their earlier conversation. There was only one problem - there were actually two Dayna's coming, and they were arriving together! Not ideal. Luckily, his mystery girl had an open Instagram profile, so after a little sleuthing, Matt was able to figure out which Dayna he was looking for.
The Dayna's arrived at Joe and Jenna's shortly after Matt, with Ms. Wong planning on driving them home. That's obviously not how the night went. Cocktail master Joe began making all sorts of fun drinks, and neither Dayna, nor Matt, could resist a good cocktail.
With a few drinks in her system, Dayna found Matt in the kitchen and decided to make the first move. By move, we mean she talked AT him about video games, her family's lineage, golf, how she worked in tech (it was her first week), and everything in between while also spilling two drinks on herself. They hit it off immediately, and the spilled drinks really sealed the deal for Matt. How could you not be charmed by someone who is completely unfazed by spilling two drinks on themselves?
Soon it was 1:30 AM, and the Dayna's took an Uber back to their place. Shortly before bed, Dayna found Matt on Instagram and followed him that night. This prompted Matt to make his move the next afternoon (they both needed a lot of rest from the drinks). He slid into her DMs and asked Dayna on a date. Dayna said yes to a first date, and then a second, a third, and then eventually, they became inseparable.
On August 4th, 2023 (3 days after their 2-year anniversary), Matt asked Dayna to marry him, to which she obviously said yes! From that first conversation, to the endless laughter, love and adventures that they have shared so far, they always know that they have someone in their corner.
Forever and for always.